Source code for drsip.Cn_symm_criterion

C\ :sub:`n` Symmetry Criterion (:mod:`drsip.Cn_symm_criterion`)

Module contains functions implementing the C\ :sub:`n` symmetry criterion.


.. autofunction:: Cn_symm_criterion
.. autofunction:: get_angle_of_rotation
.. autofunction:: get_axis_of_rot
.. autofunction:: get_rot_mat_arbitrary_axis
.. autofunction:: get_trans_vect
.. autofunction:: get_num_mers
import numpy as np
import drsip_common

[docs]def Cn_symm_criterion(static_ori_coord, mobile_ori_coord, diff_vect, cutoff=2.0): """ C\ :sub:`n` symmetry criterion. Checks if the current docking pose is close to its closest ideal C\ :sub:`n` symmetric pose. Parameters ---------- static_ori_coord, mobile_ori_coord : np.array Nx3 coordinate array of the static and mobile monomers, respectively, from the docking pose. Where N is the number of atoms. diff_vect : np.array Vector from the center of mass (COM) of the static monomer to the COM of the mobile monomer. cutoff : float, optional The C\ :sub:`n` symmetric RMSD cutoff. If the docking pose's C\ :sub:`n` symmetric RMSD > cuttoff, it fails the criterion. Default cutoff is 2.0 Angstrom. Returns ------- list Returns the axis of rotation (np.array), static monomer's translation vector (np.array), number of oligomers (int), C\ :sub:`n` symmetric RMSD (float) and RMSD_pass_status (bool). The RMSD_pass_status is True when the docking pose passes the criterion, otherwise False. """ rot_mat = drsip_common.get_best_fit_rot_mat( static_ori_coord, mobile_ori_coord) axis_of_rot = get_axis_of_rot(rot_mat) rot_angle = get_angle_of_rotation(rot_mat, axis_of_rot) num_mers = get_num_mers(rot_angle) ideal_rot_angle = np.sign(rot_angle) * 2 * np.pi / num_mers if num_mers == 2: diff_vect_ortho = diff_vect - \ * axis_of_rot static_trans_vect = -diff_vect_ortho / 2 else: static_trans_vect = get_trans_vect( axis_of_rot, ideal_rot_angle, diff_vect) ideal_rot_mat = get_rot_mat_arbitrary_axis( ideal_rot_angle, axis_of_rot) RMSD_pass_status = True pred_mobile_coord = (static_ori_coord + static_trans_vect).dot(ideal_rot_mat.T) RMSD = Cn_symm_RMSD(pred_mobile_coord, mobile_ori_coord, static_trans_vect, diff_vect) if RMSD > cutoff: RMSD_pass_status = False return [axis_of_rot, static_trans_vect, num_mers, RMSD, RMSD_pass_status]
def Cn_symm_RMSD(pred_mobile_coord, mobile_ori_coord, static_trans_vect, diff_vect): """ Calculate the C\ :sub:`n` symmetry RMSD. Parameters ---------- pred_mobile_coord : np.array Nx3 coordinate array of the ideal C\ :sub:`n` symmetric mobile monomer. Where N is the number of atoms. mobile_ori_coord : np.array Nx3 coordinate array of the mobile monomer from the docking pose. Where N is the number of atoms. static_trans_vect : np.array The vector pointing from the center of mass (COM) of the complex to the COM of the static monomer. The COM of the complex is set at the origin. diff_vect : np.array Vector from the center of mass (COM) of the static monomer to the COM of the mobile monomer. Returns ------- np.array Returns the axis of rotation. """ return np.sqrt(np.sum((pred_mobile_coord - mobile_ori_coord - static_trans_vect - diff_vect)**2) / pred_mobile_coord.shape[0])
[docs]def get_axis_of_rot(rot_mat): """ Extract the axis of rotation from the rotation matrix. Parameters ---------- rot_mat : np.array 3x3 rotation matrix. Returns ------- np.array Returns the axis of rotation. """ rot_mat_eigval, rot_mat_eigvect = np.linalg.eig(rot_mat) eigenvec_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.real(rot_mat_eigval) - 1)) return np.float64(np.real(rot_mat_eigvect[:, eigenvec_idx]))
[docs]def get_angle_of_rotation(rot_mat, axis_of_rot): """ Extract the angle of rotation from the rotation matrix. Parameters ---------- rot_mat : np.array 3x3 rotation matrix. axis_of_rot : np.array Axis of rotation extracted from the rotation matrix. See :py:meth:`get_axis_of_rot <drsip.Cn_symm_criterion.get_axis_of_rot>`. Returns ------- float Returns the angle of rotation in radians. """ skew_symm_mat = rot_mat - rot_mat.T sin_angle_rot = (skew_symm_mat[2, 1] + skew_symm_mat[0, 2] + skew_symm_mat[1, 0]) / (2 * np.sum(axis_of_rot)) cos_angle_rot = (np.trace(rot_mat) - 1) / 2 return np.arctan2(sin_angle_rot, cos_angle_rot)
[docs]def get_num_mers(rot_angle): """ Predict the size of the complex from the rotation angle. The size ("n") is the number of monomers in the C\ :sub:`n` symmetric complex. Parameters ---------- rot_angle : float Rotation angle in radians. See :py:meth:`get_angle_of_rotation <drsip.Cn_symm_criterion.get_angle_of_rotation>`. Returns ------- int Number of monomers ("n"). """ return np.abs(np.rint((np.pi * 2) / rot_angle))
[docs]def get_trans_vect(axis_of_rot, rot_angle, diff_vect): """ Returns the translation vector. The translation vector is the vector from the complex's center of mass (COM) to the COM of the static monomer. The COM of the complex is set to the origin. Parameters ---------- axis_of_rot : np.array Axis of rotation. See :py:meth:`get_axis_of_rot <drsip.Cn_symm_criterion.get_axis_of_rot>`. rot_angle : float Rotation angle in radians. See :py:meth:`get_angle_of_rotation <drsip.Cn_symm_criterion.get_angle_of_rotation>`. diff_vect : np.array Vector from the center of mass (COM) of the static monomer to the COM of the mobile monomer. Returns ------- trans_vect : np.array Translation vector. """ diff_vect_ortho = diff_vect - * axis_of_rot dist_between_com = np.linalg.norm(diff_vect_ortho) dist_between_com_n_axis_rotation = np.abs( dist_between_com / (2 * np.sin(rot_angle / 2))) diff_vect_to_trans_vect_rot_mat = get_rot_mat_arbitrary_axis( -np.sign(rot_angle) * (np.abs(rot_angle) + np.pi) / 2, axis_of_rot) trans_vect = trans_vect /= np.linalg.norm(trans_vect) trans_vect *= dist_between_com_n_axis_rotation return trans_vect
[docs]def get_rot_mat_arbitrary_axis(rot_angle, axis_of_rot): """ Returns the rotation matrix for the rotation by the given rotation angle about the axis of rotation. Parameters ---------- rot_angle : float Rotation angle in radians. axis_of_rot : np.array Axis of rotation. Returns ------- rot_mat : np.array 3x3 rotation matrix. """ axis_of_rot = np.array(axis_of_rot) x, y, z = axis_of_rot / np.linalg.norm(axis_of_rot) rot_mat = np.zeros((3, 3)) sin_theta = np.sin(rot_angle) cos_theta = np.cos(rot_angle) minus_cos_theta = 1 - cos_theta rot_mat[0, 0] = cos_theta + x**2 * minus_cos_theta rot_mat[0, 1] = x * y * minus_cos_theta - z * sin_theta rot_mat[0, 2] = x * z * minus_cos_theta + y * sin_theta rot_mat[1, 0] = x * y * minus_cos_theta + z * sin_theta rot_mat[1, 1] = cos_theta + y**2 * minus_cos_theta rot_mat[1, 2] = y * z * minus_cos_theta - x * sin_theta rot_mat[2, 0] = x * z * minus_cos_theta - y * sin_theta rot_mat[2, 1] = y * z * minus_cos_theta + x * sin_theta rot_mat[2, 2] = cos_theta + z**2 * minus_cos_theta return rot_mat