Source code for drsip.save_load

Saving and Loading (:mod:`drsip.save_load`)

Module contains helper functions to save and load DR-SIP data files.


.. autofunction:: save_pd_table
.. autofunction:: load_pd_table
.. autofunction:: load_StrIO
.. autofunction:: convert_StrIO_or_file_to_str

import pandas as pd
import drsip_common

[docs]def save_pd_table(storage, table, var_name): """Split and store the values and indices Parameters ---------- dist_mat_1, dist_mat_2 : np.array NxN distance matrices between the 2 monomers in the docking pose. Where N are the number of atoms. Returns ------- np.array Returns a new distance matrix containing the minimum values for each element. """ storage[var_name + '_val'] = table.values.tolist() storage[var_name + '_idx'] = table.index.tolist() if is None: storage[var_name + '_col'] = table.reset_index().columns.tolist() else: storage[var_name + '_col'] = table.columns.tolist()
[docs]def load_pd_table(storage, var_name, pop=False): """Reconstruct Pandas table from dictionary key-value pairs and save to storage Args: storage (dict): Dictionary to load the data from var_name (str): Original variable name pop (bool, optional): If True, remove key-value pairs used to reconstruct the table from storage """ if pop: value = storage.pop(var_name + '_val') index = storage.pop(var_name + '_idx') columns = storage.pop(var_name + '_col') else: value = storage[var_name + '_val'] index = storage[var_name + '_idx'] columns = storage[var_name + '_col'] if len(value) != 0 and len(value[0]) != len(columns): storage[var_name] = pd.DataFrame( value, index=index, columns=columns[1:]) storage[var_name] = columns[0] else: storage[var_name] = pd.DataFrame(value, index=index, columns=columns)
[docs]def load_StrIO(storage, var_name): """Convert strings in storage to StringIO and replace original string in storage Args: storage (dict): Dictionary to load and save the string/StringIO data var_name (str): Variable name """ file_str = storage.pop(var_name) storage[var_name] = drsip_common.convert_str_to_StrIO(file_str)
[docs]def convert_StrIO_or_file_to_str(input_obj): if isinstance(input_obj, basestring): input_str = drsip_common.convert_file_to_str(input_obj) else: input_str = drsip_common.convert_StrIO_to_str(input_obj) return input_str